City septembre 2024

For several years now, the Théâtres de la Ville have adopted seasonal themes such as ‘The intimate and the political’, ‘Women’s destinies’ or ‘Violence’. “Our aim is to explore specific subjects in greater depth and create links between productions,” explains Tom Leick-Burns, director of the Théâtres de la Ville. For the 2024-2025 season, this Luxembourg cultural institution has considered its relationship with adolescents, and this age group in general. “We have never offered them dedicated programming before. Teenagers are generally less interested in theatre and prefer other leisure activities. By organising this ‘génération. s, Focus Adolescence’ programme, we hope to increase collaborations with this age group and enhance their participation.” NEW FORMATS TO ATTRACT YOUNG PEOPLE To attract young people, the two theatres are innovating. “We have selected themes that represent teenagers and the realities of life for this age group. For example, the piece L’Expérience de l’impact features two teenage girls on stage.” The Théâtres de la Ville are also offering a variety of formats, including participatory shows. Pieces such as Skatepark, which features the skateboarding community, Spring Awakenings, created with the help of teenagers, and the immersive, multidisciplinary performance New Beginning are all part of this approach. There’s something for everyone, in every language and every discipline. CLOSE LINKS WITH SCHOOLS Finally, the Théâtres de la Ville, which have become accustomed to working with educational establishments such as the Lycée Vauban and the Lycée des Arts et Métiers, will be stepping up their collaboration with schools by continuing to welcome pupils but also by visiting them in their classrooms. La Tendresse, unveiled last season, will be adapted into a new dedicated version for students to be shown in schools. Éducation sentimentale, as it is called (‘Sentimental Education’), is about masculinity in crisis and managing relationships between girls and boys in the wake of #MeToo. Tom Leick-Burns also announces a framework programme based on this focus: “Meetings will be organised to explore a particular subject in greater depth or to strengthen collaborations with schools. The artist Ian De Toffoli, for example, has been in residence at the Athénée de Luxembourg for a writing workshop with students. Their texts will be presented during a Samedis aux Théâtres event on 19 October.” STRENGTHENING CONNECTIONS BETWEEN GENERATIONS While teenagers are the main focus of the ‘génération.s’ programme, the people around them are also implicated. The Théâtres de la Ville have decided to concentrate on the transgenerational aspect by addressing not only teenagers, but also their families. This engagement is designed to help build bridges between generations, as well as encouraging families to discuss the issues raised during the performances, so they can gain a better understanding of what young people are going through today. A LONG-TERM PROCESS With this thematic approach, the Théâtres de la Ville want to mark the start of a new era. “Our aim is to extend this approach beyond the 2024-2025 season in a variety of ways. For example, we will be sharing feedback from teenagers on the theme in our Le Scénoscope publication, which will come out during the 2025-2026 season.” DOM JUAN 25 & 27/09, 20:00, 26/09, 18:30, en français (27/09 surtitres EN) in French (27/09 surtitles EN) GRAND THÉÂTRE Ce grand classique de Molière est revisité par David Bobée. Le directeur du Théâtre du Nord met en scène cette histoire pour la contextualiser et en donner une lecture critique. David Bobée revisits Molière’s classic play. The director of the Théâtre du Nord stages this tale, putting it into context and offering a critical reading. PROGRAMME L’EXPÉRIENCE DE L’IMPACT 28/09, 20:00, en français / in French THÉÂTRE DES CAPUCINS Dans ce polar d’anticipation de Lola Molina, la galaxie d’Andromède se dirige vers la Terre. Cette nouvelle création signée par le metteur en scène Lélio Plotton reprend certains codes du cinéma et de la littérature de genre catastrophe. In this futuristic thriller by Lola Molina, the Andromeda galaxy is heading for Earth. This new production by director Lélio Plotton references cinematic and disaster literature codes. 2024 THÉÂTRES DE LA VILLE 66 — — 09 / 2024